Capturing special moments with an indie spirit, focusing on genuine emotions and lively, unique expressions.

Girls drinking champagne and posing for their UVA graduation photos


11 Ways to Make Your UVA Graduation Photos More Creative & Fun

August 2, 2024

Ready to graduate and get some rad UVA graduation photos? Well, friend, you’re in the right place! 

As a Charlottesville graduation photographer who’s all about capturing your true vibe and telling your unique story, I’ve got a few awesome ideas to spice up your photos.

If you’re curious to hear more and discover ways to get more personal & genuine graduation photos…Then let’s dive in!

So, you’d like your UVA graduation photos to be more unique

I know you probably think that most of the graduation photos look the same. Just the boring posey photos in a cap and gown with no personality to them. 

Yet, you’ve just gone through years at university, you probably found out who you are as a person (at least to an extent right?!), and you’d like to celebrate this raw unique newly-found YOU on your graduation photos. So, you need something better! 

Four women in white dresses playing in a fountain, splashing water with joy, with white columns and trees in the background.

Here are 11 rad ideas to spice up your graduation photos

…And feel like a celebrity. 

Take your photographer along to document your day 

There’s nothing like doing a photoshoot in places where you have a deep emotional connection. Just take your photographer with you, have them document your daily lifestyle, and turn it into a story! …The story of YOU. 

I  usually do this with my clients so that we can create photos that aren’t just the usual celebratory photos in a gown but also… The ones that authentically document their life & how they got here and feel more like the individual instead of a stuffy portrait.

Whenever we do this documentary-style photoshoot, I recommend my clients to go to the usual places where they hung out every day for the last few years, met amazing people, had crazy experiences, and created unforgettable memories. 

Because these are the places where they became the person they are today!

Want to do this yourself but unsure where that is? 

It can be somewhere super sophisticated or somewhere very simple and seemingly not special at all (but special to YOU!). 

Think of your favorite bar where you spent every Friday night, the cafe where you spent countless hours doing homework, or just that spot with your favorite snack. The choice is yours!

Try black & white photography for that timeless effect

One way to make your photo more dramatic, evoke mood, and create a timeless, old-movie-like effect is by experimenting with black and white photography. 

I love playing around with black and white photos for my clients—it gives them that extra charisma, puts the focus on what really matters, and creates a simple, distraction-free yet expressive image. 

Go with film photography instead of digital 

If you love individuality and artistic expression in your photos and want to stray away from the stereotypical stuffy portraits, try film photography!

The perfect way to combine genuine storytelling, nostalgia, and artistic appeal. You’ll have a different kind of photographic experience and get that one-of-a-kind quality that digital just can’t replicate.

A woman sitting alone in a café, holding a coffee cup and looking out thoughtfully, with her graduation cap resting on the table in front of her.

And yes, shooting on film does require some skill to get great results. But if that’s not your strong suit, don’t worry. You can hire a photographer who offers film photography and will help you create shots that feel natural and totally you.

If you’re interested, I’m obsessed with taking poetic, artsy film shots for my clients. Feel free to check out my work and get in touch! I’d be super excited to help you out with this!

Add texture to your photos by splashing around

For a layer and texture-filled effect, most people choose to throw confetti. 

And while confetti definitely does the trick, I think splashing around something more authentic—like champagne—or just being super silly adds so much more character to your graduation photos. 

Four women dressed in white, joyfully popping champagne bottles on a lawn in front of a university building with columns, with champagne spraying in the air.

As you can see in the picture above, this is exactly what one of my clients did, and it worked out beautifully!

Your UVA graduation is a huge milestone in life, so pop open that champagne and celebrate! You not only totally deserve this but it’s also another way to make your photos more fun and creative.

All that young, excited energy deserves to be captured forever. Plus, having those awesome memories to look back on will give you a boost when new challenges come your way.

Bring your besties along

Obviously, nothing makes your photos more unique than including your favorite people! Have your photoshoot together, hang out just like you usually would, and let your photographer capture the spirit of your friendship.

One day, when you’re all older, you can look back at these photos, smile, and talk about how far you’ve come since this one special day.

Not sure if you’ll feel natural with your friends in front of the camera? I work with all of my clients to make sure they feel totally comfortable even if it is their first time in front of the camera. Believe me, by the end of the session, you’ll feel like a pro! 

Take a pic of those thoughtfully selected details

I’m sure a lot of thought and intention went into choosing those shoes for your graduation ceremony or picking that really nice champagne brand to celebrate with. Make sure these thoughtful details aren’t forgotten—have your photographer snap a pic of them too! 

 A pair of light blue woven sandals next to a bottle of André Brut champagne on a marble surface, capturing a celebratory moment.

Take a ‘Just minding my own business’ photo

Tell the story of your graduation day! Get your photographer to snap you in action, living your best grad life. Think of it like a “day in the life” photo series but with a graduation twist. 

Capture moments of you strolling to your fave hangout spot, doing a happy dance with your besties, or even just chatting on the phone… go wild with creativity or keep it real and authentic—your call!

Show off the UVA architecture in the background

Make your UVA graduation photos stand out by highlighting the university’s stunning architecture as your backdrop. At UVA, I absolutely love capturing the charm of the historical buildings—they’ve got so much character.

Try experimenting with towering columns in the background or posing on the steps for some visually interesting shots. It’s all about playing with those gorgeous compositions!

Blend in with nature

You can never go wrong with naturey backdrops! Think of your favorite park, a cozy garden, or just chilling on the grass. Add a cute prop like a bouquet of flowers (like my client did in the pic above), or rock some earthy tones to blend in with the vibe.

A woman in a white dress lying on green grass, holding a bouquet of tulips and her graduation cap, smiling happily.

The greenery and open spaces make for a super serene and timeless setting. Nature’s the way to go for those dreamy photos!

Create a dramatic city night photo 

Time to change up the scenery! Most graduation photos are taken during the day, but if you want to add some extra drama and highlight the expression on your face, try capturing the magic of Charlottesville at night. 

A woman smiling at the camera at sunset, wearing graduation stoles and holding a bouquet of pink flowers, with a soft orange sky in the background.

Have your photographer snap your pics right after the sun goes down during the blue hour. It looks like nighttime but still gives you great photo quality. A perfect way to get those stunning, cinematic grad shots.

And of course, throw the cap (can’t forget the tradition)

I know, the classic cap-throwing shot is super common… but you don’t want to miss out on it! 

You can still make it uniquely yours by including your best friends and moving in a way that feels right for you—whether it’s doing a little jump, hugging your bestie, dancing around, or just standing still and savoring the moment. 

Whatever you do, we will be able to catch all those subtle movements and expressions, making your moment shine.

Final thoughts on getting the best UVA graduation photos

And there you have it. Feel free to try one (or all!) of the ideas above to get some gorgeous UVA graduation photos that will capture your unique spirit and the amazing person you’ve become over the last few years. 

Grab your favorite people, hit up your favorite spots, and document your day. Want to go fancy? Play around with film photography, black and white colors, or hire a pro to do it for you!

If you like the pictures above…I’ll be stoked to create something just as cool for you, tailored to your style and vision. I’ll help you document this special day, and take photos that celebrate your individuality. All while having a blast together during the photoshoot. 

Interested? Get in touch here, and let’s chat more.

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Photographer, amateur snowboarder, dive bar connoisseur,  inspired by music, good movies, and you.

I'm a Charlottesville wedding photographer and I specialize in capturing wedding days with a documentary approach. Love is pretty rad, and your photos should be, too.